A bit about Teal and how Stone Medicine can help you
History and Credentials
Stone Medicine is one of the most ancient forms of healing. It has been used by Taoists sects, Chinese Medicine practioners and other many cultures around the world for millennia. In fact, stones were used as the first acupuncture needles. Stones and crystals contain the molecular and mineral building blocks for all life on our planet and the Universe.
Teal has always had a deep connection with the stones and has used them intuitively in her massage and energy healing offerings for over 35 years. They are deep companions in her life journey.
Teal is a Level 3 Taoist Stone Medicine Practictioner and has studied for many years with 88th generation Taoist priest Jeffrey C. Yuen.
Teal has taught the transformative technology of yoga fo over 30 years and loves showing her students how to incorporate stones and crystals into their yoga practice.
The Alchemy of Elixirs and Their Uses
Teal creates stone elixirs guided by the ancient lineage she has studied, the cycles of the moon and turning of the seasonal wheel, and intuitive wisdom. They are crafted in nature and with love.
Teal harvests many of the stones used in her elixirs from her land in North Carolina and Colorado, and from her travels around the world.
Healing Treatments from Teal
Teal offers Stone Medicine sessions in person, as well as distance healing work and consultations via Zoom. Visit WildTeal.com to learn more and book a treatment.
Strong Medicine
Stone Medicine goes deep to the “yuan,” or Soul Level. It goes beyond the alleviation of symptoms to the roots of our sufferings, and helps us to find deep and lasting healing. Some conditions that can be helped by Stone Medicine are: acute/chronic illness, depression, autoimmune disorders, headaches/migraines, sleep disorders, emotional imbalance, gastrointestinal disorders, musculoskeletal issues, neurological disruption, trauma, chronic pain, menstrual related issues including fertility/pregnancy/postpartnum/low libido/menopause, chronic stress/ fatigue/adrenal fatigue.
What is a Stone Elixir?
Stone Elixirs are ancient, alchemical formulations used in cultures around the world from times reaching back to pre-history. They are a powerful vibrational medicine much like Flower Essence Remedies (i.e. Bach Flower Remedies, or those made in the same way.) Because they are an energy medicine they go beyond superficial, symptomatic layers and into the deep Soul Layers of our being, what is referred to in Chinese Medicine as the Yuan level. At this level we are able to access and heal our deepest wounds, even those reaching back into our ancestry.
I create all of my stone elixirs in union with the Elements, Seasons, All Beneficial Beings from all realms, and the cycles of the celestial bodies. I try to list as much about the time period in which each elixir was created, and the properties of the stones, so that you have more information when determining which elixir you want to work with. However, just looking at the photos of the stones and tapping into your own intuition and connection to Source is the best way to choose which elixir you need.
You are the healer. Connect with the stones and you will find a clear direction for your own healing.
Most Stone Elixirs are made in water, some stones which have constituents that we do not want dissolving into the liquid are made with a purely vibrational method only. Both methods are preserved with organic cane alcohol, which is gluten free.
Many of my creams and salves are also infused with stone essences, and I also do combinations of herbal tinctures and stone elixirs. Feel free to use your own intuition in the way you use your stone elixirs.
What Is The Standard Dosage for a Stone Elixir?
4 drops/ 4x per day for 7 days, or until a shift is felt. Place the drops in a little water or under the tongue. You can also add a few drops to a water bottle and sip during the day. In acute situations place few drops under the tongue as needed.
Storage And Preservation
Obsidian Butterfly Stone Elixirs are preserved in 30% organic cane alcohol and water. They will last a very long time kept at room temperature. Do not leave in a very hot place or in the sun.
These products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Any use of this website or the information contained in this website is at your own risk. The medical information provided in this site is for educational purposes only and is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult your physician or healthcare provider prior to starting any new treatment. The information on this website is not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat or cure any disease.

Rhodonite, Pink Tourmaline, Rhodochrosite and Rose Quartz Elixir
Soothes, Heals & Fortifies the Heart / Stops Chronic Qi Leakage / Anxiety & Worry / Loving Kindness and Compassion / Magnificent Joy

Amazonite, Blue Topaz, Lemurian Quartz Elixir
Fear & Victim Consciousness / Soothing the Nervous System / Divine Guidance / Access to Other Realms & Information

Ammonite, Fossilized Shark’s Tooth and Lemurian Quartz Elixir
The Timeline of Our Lives / Shatters Lies & Illusions / Resonates Sacred Geometry / Access to Divine Knowledge / Spiritual Destiny
deepen your connection
It is my joy to share the wisdom of Taoist Stone Medicine and my own personal experiences with the stones. Join me, let’s deepen our connections to Mother Earth together.
From loving hands
All of Obsidian Butterfly Elixirs creations are hand-crafted in small quantities by Teal M. Chimblo. Each one is made with carefull attention, love and magick.